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Movie Description:

The movie begins with text that reads "Victoria "Tori" Boyles". Tori Boyles is Easter Seals 2007 Youth Representative. The movie features Tori and her mother, Becky Boyles, and many different people in her life talking about her time with Easter Seals.

Movie Transcript:

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(Action: Close up photo of Tori)

Becky Boyles: She was about 15 days old when I went up to the NICU neo-natal unit to meet Tori…

The doctors told me that Tori would never walk, that she may never talk, that the chances were pretty significant that she would be mentally retarded. As Tori says: She joked those doctors. She always says, “I joked those doctors.”

(Action: Clips of Tori climbing on jungle gym, sliding down slide, and playing with children on playground)

Tori: I keep on missing…

Blonde Woman: Seeing Tori today, you can’t envision what Tori was like seven years ago when she started at Easter Seals Child Development Center. It’s just a totally different child.

Tori's teacher: I had Tori when I first started my job here at Easter Seals, in the 2-year-old room. She scooted around, was the way for her to be mobile, and she wasn’t very talkative. She giggled a lot and did laugh a lot. I definitely think that it was important for Tori to be with kids who were typically developing because her mother had always given her this message that she can do anything that she sets her mind to. I think it was nice for her to not only hear it from her family but to see it and live it and experience it in a classroom setting with all these other kids.

(Action: Clips of Tori in school, with her teacher, students, friends)

Tori: I know, I know…

Woman, glasses: I want people to know how much fun Tori is, what a great sense of humor, what a kind and loving person she is. How she can be enormously brave and still be a fragile little girl.

Becky Boyles: It’s very funny… we were talking not too long ago about Easter Seals and things that the staff at the child development center had done for her and how that made her feel. And she said, “It makes me feel like one of the regular kids.” And I said, “What do you mean?” And she said, “Well you know, Mom, we may be different on the outside, but on the inside, we’re all the same. You know, Mom, on the outside, some people may have blue crutches, and some people may have purple… “ So to her, everybody has some kind of disability or everybody uses crutches… they just use a different color.

(Action: Tori walking with man)

Man: How was school today?

Tori: Good.

Man: I hope that Tori, through her involvement in Easter Seals is able to have access to all the therapies and equipment she needs to become the woman that I know that she can become.

Becky Boyles: She never gives up. Whatever she tries to do, she will be successful at because she’ll try it until she gets it done. She’s amazing…

(Action: Tori playing and then smiling at the camera)

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