
Physical Therapy

Physical therapy services focus on preserving, developing and restoring physical function that may have been lost due to injury, disease, aging or congenital abnormality. Based on an initial assessment, Easter Seals licensed physical therapists incorporate therapeutic exercise, physical agents such as heat or cold, mechanical and electrotherapeutic modalities, such as traction and electricity; assistive or adaptive devices, such as walkers or bracing; and specialized manual techniques to encourage independence at work, home, school and in the community by:

  • Encouraging motor development in children
  • Improving functional mobility or the ability to move (including bed mobility/transfers and walking)
  • Increasing range of motion (flexibility) and strength
  • Promoting tissue (wound) healing
  • Decreasing pain and swelling
  • Incorporating safety, prevention and education
  • Promoting fitness and health

Services may be provided in an Easter Seals outpatient clinic, child development center, or adult day program, as well as at home, at school, and in a variety of other care settings. State and federal laws determine referral requirements and funding opportunities.

Learn more about physical therapy.
Meet an Easter Seals physical therapist in action.
Visit the American Physical Therapy Association.