Film Gallery

Meet Matty

Film Description:

The movie begins with text that reads "Matthew Gerard Gaughan, born 25 April, 1993." Matty Gaughan is Easter Seals 2006 Youth Representative and an Easter Seals client for nearly 12 years. The movie features Matty and many different people in his life talking about his time with Easter Seals -- his mom, dad, aunt, physical therapist and classmates.

Film Transcript:

Matty's Mom, Noreen: I’m diabetic and became ill and Matty was born at 29 weeks and he spent 10 weeks in intensive care.

Matty's Aunt, Kathy Ryan: When Matty was first diagnosed with cerebral palsy, his prognosis was not good…

(Action: Matty speaking at a podium at Easter Seals National Convention)

Matty: I had a dream that I was on the top of a steep hill and skied to the bottom.

(Action: Matty sitting with classmates)

I had a dream that I was able to write my name in cursive, like all my other classmates.

(Action: Matty at podium)

When I woke up, I realized it wasn’t a dream. I had accomplished all of this because of Easter Seals and my therapist, Jim.

(Action: Matty at Easter Seals center receiving physical therapy services)

SuitABIILTY, it like made me normal, I guess. I did suit-ability twice and the first SuitABIILTY it helped me be able to play football. And that’s where I earned the nickname “the Crusher.”

Jim Alviti, Therapist: To hear Matt talk, to know what he’s accomplished in terms of his personal life. How could you not be inspired by him? I’m inspired by him.

Matty's Dad, Paul: If you saw Matty when he was 3 years old -- he was walking with a walker, he had AFOs on his feet to help him walk -- compared to what he is now at age 12, it’s a dramatic improvement and it’s all because of Easter Seals.

(Action: Matty riding bike with friends)

Matty's Aunt, Kathy Ryan: He faces every challenge he meets with equal measure of grace and good humor and grit and determination; and I love him to death.

(Action: Matty addressing crowd)

Matty: Thanks to your hard work and dedication, when the children of Easter Seals go to bed tonight, they will have hope that their dreams will also come true.

Closing Text:

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