

Pediatric Outpatient Program  Pediatric Outpatient Program


The mission of Easter Seals Rhode Island is to provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities and special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.

Traditional outpatient therapy services at the Easter Seals Rhode Island Pediatric Outpatient Program include a family-centered focus more commonly associated with Early Intervention services. The understanding that families know their children best and are better able to facilitate change when supported in carrying over strategies at home underlies all of our pediatric programs from birth to 21 years.


Physical and Occupational Therapy
Services are available to meet the individual and functional needs of children impacted by developmental, neurological and/or orthopedic conditions. Other areas targeted may include strengthening, range of motion, endurance, gait training, balance and coordination, oral motor/feeding, and sensory integration services. 

Aquatic Therapy
An off-site aquatic therapy program is available. This program is designed to promote growth and independence of the individual while eliminating, rehabilitating or reducing the effects of one’s disability.

Growth Opportunities
With support from generous donors, Easter Seals RI hopes to add speech, language and social interaction groups during the first year of the program.


 Maddie Manglass_2

It's About Quality, Not Quantity

One glance at Madeleine “Maddie” Manglass and an instant smile comes to your face. Maddie is an adorable, vivacious 13-year-old who loves listening to music, playing on the computer, adaptive skiing, and making people happy. Click here to read Maddie's Easter Seals story. 
Graciela Client Story

Inspiration Comes In a Tiny Package...

At three years old, Graciela Nieves is already a true inspiration! In fact, it was her determined spirit and contagious smile that were the motivation behind the opening of the Easter Seals RI Pediatric Outpatient clinic. Born at just 23 weeks, a twin survivor and weighing only one pound, Graciela faced an incredible battle for survival. Click here to read Graciela's Easter Seals story.

To watch Graciela's story, please click here.
Lilly Pearce 2012

Inspiration, Will and Drive in One...

At three years old, Lilly aged out of Early Intervention and continued her therapies at a local school. However, these therapies did not include aquatic therapy, which Lilly benefitted from greatly. In 2011, when Easter Seals Rhode Island opened the Pediatric Outpatient Program—family-centered outpatient program that provides physical and occupational therapy services for children and young adults, through age 21, Lilly was one of the first clients to join the program participating in outpatient aquatic therapy. Click here to read Lilly's Easter Seals story.



Want to Know More?
Contact: Sue Hawkes or
Pat O’Leary

Easter Seals Rhode Island
213 Robinson Street
Wakefield, RI 02879