
Employment and Training Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are Employment and Training Services provided?
Services are offered at our centers in Worcester and Boston.  In Worcester we are located at 484 Main Street, and in Boston at 89 South Street.  Both locations are accessible via public transportation.

How do I pay for Employment and Training Services?
There are a variety of funding sources:  state agencies (MRC, MCB, DMR, Office of Elder Affairs), local school districts, insurance (workers comp), private pay, veterans associations, employers and others.

Most of the services available through Easter Seals are paid for through a variety of state and federal programs. If you are eligible, the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) may be able to supply the funding to support you in reaching your goals. If you are a person with a disability, you should contact MRC to determine your eligibility. Easter Seals can help you get in contact with the MRC office nearest you.

How long will it take to start receiving services?
We can provide a starting date quickly once we agree that Easter Seals can provide services that meet your individual needs, funding has been confirmed and your referral paperwork is processed.

What types of jobs have graduates received?
We have placed people in a variety of positions including customer service, office and administrative and computer services.