
Assistive Technology



August 6, 2014
Holyoke Community College Holyoke, MA

Norah enjoying herself with family 

All ages All disabilities All over Massachusetts

For someone with a disability, technology doesn't just make life more convenient; it is often the difference between independence and relying on others for the simplest of tasks.
Services are provided at Easter Seals centers in Boston and Worcester, in homes, schools, nursing homes and workplaces.

Meet our AT Staff

Workshops and Continuing Education Easter Seals assistive technology staff share their expertise through informative workshops, course offerings and product spotlights.  Read what past workshop attendees said about their experience.

Assistive Technology Regional Center (ATRC) The Assistive Technology Regional Center helps people with disabilities make informed decisions about assistive technology they can use at home, on the job or in school.  Increasing access to assistive technology.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Low-tech and high-tech solutions for individuals who cannot meet all of their communication needs through speech. Assessment, consultation and direct intervention.

Adapted Computer Access
Services that allow an individual with any type of disability to access and optimally use a computer.  Assessment, consultation and training.

Assistive Technology and Training Centers
Easter Seals centers in Boston and Worcester are available for assessments, training opportunities, and product research and demonstration.  They offer individuals the opportunity to see and try out equipment before buying.  The Easter Seals Center in Boston is located near South Station.  The Easter Seals/Brazelton Center is located in downtown Worcester. The Easter Seals Center in New Bedford is located on Union Street in downtown New Bedford. 

Assistive Technology Helping Elders
For many elders and individuals with disabilities, assistive technology is a quality of life issue, especially when they wish to live independently at home. Gadgets to make life easier and safer at home; and devices that can make a computer more accessible are available - read how Easter Seals can help.

AT Loan Program 
Massachusetts residents with disabilities can have access to reduced-interest loans for assistive technology and related services through a program managed by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) and Easter Seals.  Read more.

Electronic Aids to Daily Living (EADL)
Also referred to as environmental controls, these can be of tremendous assistance to individuals with severe disabilities.  EADLs range from electronic door openers to computer-based systems that allow people to operate all the electrical devices in their home through one control unit.

Adaptive Positioning and Ergonomics
Adaptive positioning can maximize computer access in the classroom, home or work environment.  Ergonomic consultations include basic environmental design to modify work areas and improve accessibility, safety and production, while decreasing risk of injury.

Tips and Techniques
Easter Seals assistive technology specialists have developed and made presentations on many creative solutions. We are happy to share this information with you.

Contact us at to learn more about Assistive Technology.


Easter Seals was proud to host the
Assistive Technology Pavilion:
Interact with Tomorrow's Technology Today

at the Abilities Expo, in Boston
September 20-22, 2013. 

Learn more about this dynamic
conference at:      








The assistive technology that innovators have devised to bridge the divide between ability
and disability is nothing short of amazing. At
Abilities Expo, we welcome you to visit our
Assistive Technology Pavilion, where
companies and organizations are featuring
the latest AT products for people of all ages
with wide ranges of physical, sensory,
developmental and learning disabilities.
You or your loved ones will have the unique
opportunity to experience how these
adaptive technologies can enhance day-to-day life.

 using technology to communicate
 computer access using AT