
Providing Services for People with Disabilities and Their Families

Children and adults with disabilities and special needs find highest-quality services designed to meet their individual needs when they come to Easter Seals. Teams of therapists, teachers and other health professionals help each person overcome obstacles to independence and reach his or her personal goals. Easter Seals also includes families as active members of any therapy program, and offers the support families need.

Watch John's video
to see how Easter Seals has helped him and his family.
Adult Day Services benefit caregivers and participants.

In-Home Services
Easter Seals In-Home Services offer stay-at-home support, companionship and peace of mind. We help you maintain your independence and ability to live in the comfort of your home, providing a happier, safer, more comfortable quality of life. We work with you to make things easy and affordable, providing a quality caregiver whenever you need them, including around-the-clock care.  

Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapies: Promoting Independence and Quality of LifeEaster Seals therapies promote the quality of life.

Whether through a birth condition, injury or illness, or because of functional limitations experienced in aging, Easter Seals Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapies -- including physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech/language pathology -- are the first step toward helping people with disabilities gain greater independence.

Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities - in a safe and caring environment
A variety of activity and employment services are provided in community and facility-based settings. Our staff work with each individual and their caregivers to plan supports and services based on preferences and needs.

Early Intervention Services: Providing a Learning Environment for Children and Peace of Mind for Parents
Easter Seals' Early Intervention Services include individualized intervention to meet the needs of each child and family - services designed to help infants and toddlers work toward developmental goals at the time in their lives when they are most ready to learn and can most benefit from intervention.

Adult Day Health Services: Anticipating the Needs of Adults with Disabilities and Older Adults
Extending Easter Seals' medical rehabilitation expertise, Easter Seals adult day health services meet daytime needs of adults with disabilities and older adults while promoting their dignity and independence. Easter Seals partners with families to ensure a continuation of their high-standards of care.

CAMP FAIRLEE MANOR provides a safe, barrier-free environmentRecreation and Respite: Having Fun, Making Friends, Mastering Skills, Expanding Independence

Recreation is about all the things children and adults can do -- play basketball, canoe, sing, eat s'mores and more. Easter Seals residential recreation programs provide a safe, barrier-free environment for children and adults to experience all aspects of camp without usual limitations.

Assistive Technology - Devices to Help You gain Greater Independence
From time to time, someone with a disability may need a product or device such as a wheelchair or augmentative communication device to help hem be more independent.  At Easter Seals you'll find a complete library of devices for people who need to overcome the obstacles that a disability can impose.

Mid-Atlantic AgrAbility Project (MAAP): Do you know a farmer with a disability?
This federally funded program in Delaware and Maryland helps farmers and their families with disabilities continue to farm through the use of AT. There is no cost to the farmer for the program.

The Personal Attendant Services Program can help someone with a disability live in their home environment and continue to work or go to school with the help from a personal attendant.  Working with Easter Seals, you can employ your own personal attendant and specify what type of assistance you need.

Contact us to learn more about Easter Seals services.