
Low-Interest Loans Help Make Accessibility Affordable

Now lower interest loans make accessibility affordable.Are you looking to make modifications to your home in order to make it more accessible? Would you benefit from a computer that accommodates for visual limitations? Do you need an adapted vehicle? If cost has been a barrier to these types of assistive technology, Easter Seals can help! Easter Seals is now assisting Delawareans in securing lower-interest loans to purchase assistive technology or make modifications for accessibility.  

A lower-interest loan through Easter Seals Assistive Technology Alternative Financing program was a huge help to Carol and her brother Steve, who uses a wheelchair. Before the home modifications, Steve was limited to certain areas of their house. With low-interest financing, Carol renovated a previously inaccessible area to make a room built for someone using a wheelchair. It included low-level light switches and window frames, accessible outlets and a level entry to the house allowing easy access.

“Steve is alone while I am at work and having this room for him makes the house more comfortable, plus with the lowered windows, it is like bringing the outdoors in to him,” Carol says. “This modification gives him more space to enjoy.”

Carol says that the loan process was smooth and easy, and that working with the credit union--through which the loan was secured--was a pleasant experience. More importantly, the accommodations have helped Carol’s brother gain more independence in their home.

The Easter Seals Assistive Technology Alternative Financing program is a partnership with Delaware’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and is supported through a combination of federal, state and private funding. It is available to Delaware residents of all ages with disabilities of all types, seniors with age-related functional limitations and family members caring for someone with a disability.

A Telework Equipment Funding Program also is available. This program provides funds to purchase equipment to work from home, including a home business. Easter Seals administers both loan programs in conjunction with DEXSTA Federal Credit Union, Del-One Federal Credit Union and PNC Bank.

If you would like more information, contact Joyce Medkeff at or (302) 221-2076.