Easter Seals and the Brain Plasticity Institute: Working Together

Improving the Lives of 1,000,000,000+ Worldwide

Brain Health logoAccording to the World Health Organization, some one billion people are affected by neurological disorders and related conditions. They routinely face diminished health, pain, stigma, economic loss, and barriers to employment, education, and success in family and community life.

By investing in a three-pronged solution that combines promising new discoveries in brain function and plasticity, emerging computer-based delivery systems, and proven networks of care, these individuals will have the means to address cognitive challenges and improve brain function in ways that directly improve their quality of life.

This research-to-practice approach deals with the most serious issues of human kind, leading with the treatment of the following cognitive disorders:

About the Brain Health Initiative

The partnership between Easter Seals and the Brain Plasticity Institute holds tremendous promise for advancing neuroscience and its application to enable millions of people with brain-related conditions to live their lives with greater health, productivity, and independence. The Initiative is based on the science of Dr. Michael Merzenich, a pioneering researcher and advocate for neuroplasticity and the founder of the Brain Plasticity Institute, San Francisco, California. Dr. Merzenich has selected Easter Seals as a partner to bring his life-changing research forward to evaluate its efficacy and deliver interventions to those in need. Each year, Easter Seals provides therapy, training, education and support services to 1.6 million children and adults and their families through a community-based national network of over 500 service sites, and through its global affiliates and partners.

About the Brain Plasticity Institute

The Brain Plasticity Institute is a technology incubator dedicated to the discovery and development of novel technologies that harness the basic principles of brain plasticity to improve the lives of people with neurological and psychiatric disorders with non-invasive, safe, clinically effective treatments. BPI is initially focused on applying this technology to Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, ADD/ADHA, TBI, Depression and Addiction, and works with a worldwide network of researchers to design and evaluate novel treatments.



Brain Plasticity Institute logoWe ask that you consider learning more about neuroplasticity and the solutions being brought forward by Dr. Merzenich and his partnership with Easter Seals. To learn more, or to see the full treatment plans, contact us.