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Providing Daily Money Management Assistance to Oregon's Seniors.

The Oregon Money Management Program is a network of service providers coordinated by Easter Seals Oregon. To learn more about services offered and to find a service center near you, please click here to view and/or print a program flier.

Volunteer Recruitment

To view a 15 minute video that provides an overview of the Oregon Money Management Program, please click here. If after watching the video, you are interested in becoming an Oregon Money Management Program Volunteer, and would like to start the application process, please click here to send an email request.

Volunteer Training and Certification

Oregon Money Management Program volunteers must complete a training and certification process to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge needed to successfully work with program clients. Volunteer Training is provided in a handbook and through training videos. After completing the application process, Program Coordinators or Team Leaders will provide volunteers with a program handbook and password to access video training sessions. The password must be typed using lowercase letters. To view volunteer training videos, have your password ready and click here.

Volunteers must take a short quiz following each training session. To request a quiz, please click the following link and provide the session number of the quiz that you are ready to take. Volunteers must get all quiz questions correct in order to pass. Volunteers may view training videos and take the quiz as often as needed. To request a quiz please click here.  

To log-in and report volunteer service hours and update contact information click here.