Staff Only

These links are provided for the benefit of Easter Seals New Jersey staff.

Red Diamond Bullet Staff Intranet


Reliable, accurate and timely information is essential for successful business communication, and the possibilities for information exchange via our intranet are endless. It offers the opportunity to share information exclusively for our internal audience.
Red Diamond Bullet DSP Training

Easter Seals New Jersey Online Direct Support Professional Training.

This training is about Danielle’s Law.  Danielle’s Law was signed by Governor McGreevey on October 26, 2003, and it became effective on April 23, 2004.  The law requires any staff member working directly with individuals with Developmental Disabilities to call 911 in life threatening emergencies.  It is imperative that anyone working with people with developmental disabilities or head injury, including DHS staff, agency staff, community care providers and tutors be fully aware of the Law and their responsibilities to people in their care.

Red Diamond Bullet Customer Satisfaction Program

Welcome to Easter Seals New Jersey Customer Satisfaction Program.


Data gathered from our surveys help us identify our program’s strengths and potential areas for improvement in an effort to provide the best possible quality of service. 

It should only take a few minutes of your time and be assured your identity will remain confidential.