
Personal Attendant Services

Live life to the fullest with Personal Attendant Services!

Take Charge of your Life!

For adults with physical disabilities, the Personal Attendant Services program (PAS) allows people with disabilities to maintain independent lifestyles, to live in the community and make choices concerning their personal assistant needs. Individuals with disabilities taking part in the Personal Attendant Services Program choose and hire their own Personal Attendant and work with them based on their individual needs. If you need a personal attendant and qualify through the Delaware Division of Services for the Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD), our staff can help you with the selection, hiring and training of the personal attendant. You become the employer.

Easter Seals is a resource to help you succeed in your Shown is the Easter Seals logo.employer/employee relationship. To find out DSAAPD's eligibility criteria, contact them at: or call 1-800-223-9074.