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Find out if your child is at risk -- take the free screeningUnderstand Your Child's Development—Take the Screening
The First 5 Years Are the Most Crucial for Development


Take the free Ages & Stages Questionnaire now

Every year, more than one million children with unidentified disabilities enter school with issues that put them behind their peers. Easter Seals makes it easy to find out if your child is at risk. In the first few years of a child’s life, parents eagerly await each milestone.

The first smile.
The first step.
The first time she says, “Mama.”

But some important milestones are not as obvious—and missing them can be warning signs of developmental delays and other issues that can affect your child’s ability to meet their full potential.

The good news is that kids with delays, disabilities, and autism can make significant progress if they get support early in life. That’s why Easter Seals offers early identification and intervention services for parents and caregivers.

Simply by answering age-specific questions via the Ages & Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ)—a free screening tool available through generous support of the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust—you can see if your child’s developmental progress is on schedule.

It takes less than 20 minutes to make sure your child is reaching his or her developmental milestones. Take the questionnaire today!

As the largest provider of early intervention services, Easter Seals knows what’s possible when kids get the support they need…and what happens when they don’t. We can give every child an equal opportunity to learn and grow— but it’s important to get kids the help they need in the critical years before they turn five.


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